NeXtGen™ Biologics Inc. (closely-held)

NeXtGen™ Biologics Inc.
13800 Tech City Cir, #200
Alachua, FL 32615
Phone: (800) 209-7190
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NeXtGen™ Biologics Inc. is a medical device company that possesses a collection of patents covering extracellular matrix (ECM) platform technology sourced from the axolotl, a rare paedomorphic salamander closely related to the tiger salamander. Leveraging the Company’s innovative biotechnology, NeXtGen is seeking to unravel the mysteries of regeneration and scar-free healing using the ECM of the axolotl, as this species is capable of regenerating organs and complex tissues (including its nervous system). The Company is currently developing platform solutions to address and enhance the treatment of various intricate conditions found in wound care, general surgery, trauma, plastic surgery, cardiovascular diseases, neurosurgery, orthopedics, and ophthalmology. NeXtGen’s first FDA-cleared device, NeoMatriX® Wound Matrix, is indicated for partial and full thickness wounds, pressure venous diabetic and chronic vascular ulcers, surgical wounds, trauma wounds, Mohs surgery, and burns. NeoMatriX is provided as sheets in various sizes for placement on wound beds to help manage the wound environment.
* Updated on July 15, 2024.